Change is tricky. It’s inevitable and necessary for growth, but it’s hard, and can be emotional and painful for teams and individuals. Whether it’s due to a pandemic, mergers & acquisitions, downsizing, restructuring, or even simply new leadership, change is an inevitable part of business and the workplace.

Can you harness change to work for you and your teams rather than creating chaos? Yes!

Leaders can help team members transform change into a catalyst for growth. With an understanding of the natural cycle of change and some proven tools for building a resiliency mindset, you and your team can “bounce forward” after a transformational change. With this understanding, your teams will be more prepared to handle change and uncertainty and capable of choosing beliefs, thoughts and emotions that serve them better.

In this interactive workshop, leaders will learn about living in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment and what is required to lead successfully. You’ll learn how to recognize and navigate the emotional shifts that happen during change and how to focus on well-being. You will walk away feeling more confident and equipped to handle the daily hiccups and challenges that come your way, Topics include;

  • Gain a clear understanding of what it means to live in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world.
  • Understanding the impacts of transformational change.
  • Identify the emotional stages of change and how to address them.
  • Tools to build a resiliency mindset.
  • The six elements of well-being and why they are important.

All of our workshops are customized to the needs of your team or organization, and are available remotely or in-person.

Contact us to learn more!