Agile EQ on Catalyst™

Everything DiSC Agile EQ on Catalyst provides actionable insights to help anyone improve their emotional intelligence.

The more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous our working environments become, the more critical an agile, flexible workforce is to success. Each day, we’re called to make progress faster, while pivoting on short notice. To stand firm in our ideas while remaining open to new perspectives. Staying agile demands that we develop and use our emotional intelligence (EQ)—a level of sophistication that is new to many. Sound daunting? It doesn’t have to be.

Teach Emotional Intelligence with Catalyst

Everything DiSC Agile EQ doesn’t just measure a person’s EQ (Emotional Intelligence). It provides a foundation for improving EQ by focusing on observable behaviors that are measured by DiSC.

This program first helps you recognize your preferred mindset, which is the start of self-awareness. Then, learners discover other mindsets that they could employ, but that might be a little more difficult for them. This helps learners transition from self-awareness into self-management and social awareness. This program includes:

  • Understand Emotional Intelligence – What it is, why it matters
  • Discover your EQ strengths
  • How to stretch beyond your comfort zone & develop your EQ

See how Agile EQ teaches Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Traditional emotional intelligence training programs help individuals develop by focusing on Self-Awareness -> Self-Management and then Social-Awareness -> Social-management. While this process is valuable, it can be forgettable for a learner.

Agile EQ helps learners understand their emotional responses by using both the language of DiSC and a concept called mindset. The Agile EQ Mindset Map helps learners recognize what behaviors are associated with the different mindsets.

When a learner receives their Agile EQ profile on Catalyst, they are first invited to learn about each mindset. This will orient them to the range of emotional responses that they will learn how to use depending on the social or emotional situation that they are in.

When a person takes an Agile EQ assessment they are measured both on their DiSC Style and patterns of responses they’re likeliest to take in social and emotional situations.

The assessment also measures the effort it takes a person to practice each mindset. The Everything DiSC Map (seen at the left) is surrounded by eight mindsets. During the program, learners will use these mindsets as a way to navigate how they should respond depending on the emotional or social situation in which they find themself.

Please note that the correlation between DiSC and mindsets doesn’t guarantee that a person with a D-Style will always easily be able to call on the ‘Self-Assured’ mindset, for example, but it helps orient learners with behaviors that are aligned with those mindsets.

Learn your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Strengths

Agile EQ on Catalyst begins by helping a person identify their EQ strengths. Many EQ assessments use a quotient or a percentage to showcase a person’s EQ strength. However, Agile EQ identifies behaviors that an individual will recognize as their own strength. These insights are personalized and connect to the mindsets that learners were just taught.

This section continues to support teaching self-awareness, but also self-management. Our strengths can quickly become crutches if we don’t know when to shift to match different social and emotional situations. Throughout this section, learners will dig into their own strengths and how their strengths support those around them. 

During this section, a learner will focus on three distinct mindsets that are identified during the Everything DiSC Catalyst assessment. These mindsets will change depending on a person’s strongest mindset.

Check out this video for an introduction to Agile EQ:

Learn More

Let’s talk! Reach out to us to schedule a call and we can discuss how Agile EQ can help your teams become more effective in a climate of constant change.